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In response to inquiry, we are sendinga budgetary estimation of Fuel Ethanol of 10,000 ltrs capacity per day. We arevery much eager to associate ourselves with your company.
An early response from your end is highly appreciated.
For M.I.Equipments (P)Ltd
Indrajit Banerjee
INTRODUCTION: Molasses is a by product from Sugar mill whichutilize cane sugar juice into cane sugar and the residue is a heavy viscosematerial contain glucose, sucrose and fructose upto 50%-60% wt/per volume. Incontrast to cane sugar juice, molasses is stable on storage and generallydiluted to 12-14% concentration before fermentation.
Technical Aspects: Method of manufacture
The Molasses has been diluted up to the desired concentrations,sometimes it is 12% wt/vol. It is then sent to intermediate tanks from the mainstorage tanks. Cane sugar contains 160kg(approx) of fermentable sugar from 1ton of cane. 1 ton of cane produce 600kg(approx)of juice. It may vary fromplace to place. Pre-diluted sugar is sterilized, ph adjusted acidic(4.7-4.8%),temperature 350 C, yeast content 10gms / per litr, time ofconversion of the sugar to wort (fermented sugar) contains about 6%-10% ethanolis fractioned into three partitions a) acetalhyde, b) Rectified Spirit, whichis 95% ethanol(approx) and 3) final cut contains Propylalcohol, Butyl Alcohol,Amyl alcohol.
Finally rectified Spirit which contains 93-95% ethanol is furtherdistilled to make absolute alcohol which contains no water is used as fuelethanol.
Now a days GOVT OF INDIA allowed that 5% fuel ethanol may beadministered with 95% Petrol and used as motor fuel.
Molasses has become an important raw materialsfor the production of other substances by fermentation such as Antibiotics,Pharmaceuticals and other chemical intermediaries. Rum is also distilled frommolasses fermentation
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